Wedding plans...

J and I are getting married. That is not really new News, but I haven't blogged about it. There has been too much going on to really think about it. And all plans have been on standby until the snow melted and the thesis was written. The snow has now melted and the thesis has been written and defended successfully.
So J and I are getting married, on July 5th. We have invited an insane amount of people to come celebrate with us. 20 Danes are coming all the way from Denmark. I have a lot of plans for the house and backyard that I will be executing in the next couple of months. I'll try to keep you updated of it all! Here are some preparations so far:
J's sister is making me a wedding dress - we have picked out some green, blue and yellow colors and a lot of tulle. I found a wedding ring that I love: silver with three rings twined together. J is getting a matching band in silver. I wear 99 % silver jewelry and so this will work well with all my other rings. And honestly I also like that it's inexpensive and can be replaced if I loose it or break it.
Last, I have just finished knitting a lace shawl that I think I will wear later in the evening if it gets cold. It looks like this:

You can read more about the pattern and process on my Knitting Addict page on this blog! 
Of other preparations I have bought fancy plastic glasses on Amazon, made endless lists of garden projects and preparations, started collecting chairs from the dump, recruited friends for different projects such as this one: Bunting
It's safe to say that we are not having a traditional wedding in any way. It is a Danish-Alaskan, J & C wedding one time ever experience that hopefully will be filled with love and laughter. What else do we really need? 


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