March Madness (Call me dramatic)

This week in Alaskaland our car died. It made some strange sounds for a couple of days and then it overheated. And when the car overheats while it's below freezing you know something is wrong. My Subaru has not had the best winter. So the weekend was spent mostly at home. I am literally stuck without a car, depending on rides from friends and family. I do not handle loosing my indepence very well. Other people might see it as an opportunity to relax at home or an excuse to have friends come over. I just feel stuck. The glass is not half full when the car is not running.
Today I sit happily on campus with big windows and fast wifi. I dream about New Orleans where I'm going to be in three weeks for a family wedding/girl's trip. My sister-in-law Jesse and I are going together for a week. James will be left behind working hard.
I am halfway through a yoga challenge: I have a two-week unlimited pass to the local yoga studio and am trying to do as many different kinds of yoga as possible. I love yoga. I mean I LOVE yoga like I love knitting. It is one of the few things that can make me forget everything else and just be in the present. I have been slightly less active than expected due to the aforementioned car trouble, but I caught three classes in my first week. My class yesterday was hot yoga and power yoga combined and I am sore in the strangest places today. The teachers at HeartstreamYoga balance the spiritual and physical aspects of yoga very well and I feel healthier on so many levels after a class.
Here is a photo from my kitchen window: it snowed, melted, snowed and then froze solid. All in one week.


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