Independent Contractor Life

We are breathing a sigh of relief over here as first our jetlag passed and then James' busiest season (last two weeks he was only home to sleep short stretches every night) is over. Hello family of four! Sometimes I think we are a little (a lot) crazy for living this independent contractor, season-depending life. But then it feels so good to be able to all be together for longer periods of time, be flexible for the kids and their needs and not be slaves to the Mon-Fri, 8-17 work life, all week, every week. I am gearing up to go back to work at the hospital (same job as before we went to Denmark) and start a class in September. After much consideration, I have decided to become certified as a genealogist. I love doing family history research and combined with my MA in cultural anthropology it is pretty much the perfect choice for me as a professional. I have felt like I was shopping around somewhat blindly in terms of jobs since I got my MA almost four years ago. Feeling my way around the university archives, social service/health services non-profits, and health administration, I have finally found something I am truly passionate about and that makes sense professionally for me. I even get to use both my Danish and English language skills and cultural knowledge as a professional.
I am so excited!
Hello, let's get even deeper into the independent contractor life :)


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