Summer glimpse I

A month has gone by in the blink of an eye. The sun is here for 24 hours a day and I got caught up in garden projects, a dear friend visiting from the homeland, wedding preparations and job applications.
However today the rain is pouring, the friend is long gone, the wedding - well I'll get back to that, and I have applied for all the jobs I found relevant for me: the cultural anthropologist.
So about this wedding. Preparations are coming along. As I wrote in my last post we are having a backyard wedding with a lot of guests, a lot of music, and hopefully plenty of love and laughter.
We have had friends over for the last two Sundays to help us get the garden ready: trimming, moving old cars, getting rid of stuff, setting up the stage. Below is a picture of the work crew. Now you might wonder what they are doing? They are taking apart a piano. Yes, that was part of the wedding preparations of our yard, which should tell you a little of the weirdness of living in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Notice how there is also a window, a mattress and a computer in the photo.

We have also planned the food, which one friend will make, while others will bring desserts. We have encouraged our wonderful friends and family to donate salmon and moose for the wedding menu and they have! I feel very lucky and fortunate to be part of this great community.
One other thing I did while I was busy not blogging, was I went on a day hike north of Fairbanks. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful route as you can glimpse below. It was all in an area that burned in 2004. There is something special about walking through a burnt forest. It's somehow more quiet, full of memories or past life.


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