Literally watching snow melt

April is one long slow melt this year. I am dying to get started on yard projects and it's frustrating to have to wait. Today I snuck out and started cutting branches off the trees that J cut down last week. He's laughing at me because this is how spring is every year and his wife was not born patient.
This year, we are clearing land and making room for a new structure on our property. It's so exciting to take the first steps towards building something new. I'm an academic through-and-through and combined with being impatient I don't really build things. I can clean, cut and get rid of things like a pro, but building I leave to J. I once build a "fence" around some raspberry bushes and it literally fell over within 24 hours.
While we wait for the yard to appear from beneath snow and ice, there are some tasks I can get started on. Like picking up dog poop (FUN!), cut branches from fallen trees, work on our arctic entryway (a never ending project), paint a shelf or two inside (when it's warm enough to leave the windows open), plant seed starters inside, and make plans. Lots of plans. Not all of them will be carried out but I can always fantasize about all the stuff I could potentially get done during our short summer.


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