
First hard frost today. I remember when it used to be in September. I’ve been here long enough to say that kind of stuff. I’m still a so-called stay-at-home-mom. You know, besides managing the studio and doing contract work. I’m ready to get back on the job market and have somewhere I have to show up and interact with other adults. Una and I have settled into a nice routine of play dates, pool, museum and library outings and home activities. It’s wonderful  and amazing to see her grow and help her realize the world around her. And then once in a while I’m just ready to explode. To share all my adult thoughts with someone (other than my dear husband). And I really wish there was a better balance because remember when I was working 45 hours(60 if you count mental trauma processing time)/week and agonized over not having enough time with my child? I’m alway doing something extreme. And yes, being with your child 24/7 is extreme. Just like being away from her 60 hours a week is extreme. It works for different people in different ways. I guess I’m searching for the balance in-between. Utopia some might say. But honestly, I’m just not willing to settle. Life is too short and I will keep searching until I find a balance that accommodates my personal needs and my child’s needs (and husband and friends and family - HELLO!). So here’s to (I’m holding a beer, I don’t know about you)  the three super exciting job applications I have in and the amazing child I have at home ❤️


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