Coming ang Going in small town Alaska

It's Monday afternoon and after a week of working 32 hours at the hospital, I am now looking at a week of being MOM full time. As I've mentioned before, J and I take turns working and staying home with the kids. Right now, Una is at pre-school and Willum is happily trying to play with all her toys while he has the chance (Currently tackling a Hula Hoop ring and some kind of pinch/grabber stick, which looks pretty hilarious for someone who can't sit on his own). As I have a moment to process, I think about the weekend where, on Saturday, I said goodbye to a dear friend who is leaving Alaska for new adventures on the East Coast (with a short Kansas detour - love you Carla!). On Sunday, however, I had the pleasure of meeting up with not one, not two, but SIX Danes currently living in my little town here in Alaska. I haven't had a Danish network here for years, although I knew a few were around, I just couldn't find them. By complete chance, one of them came through my department at the hospital and it took me all of five seconds to get her phone number and set up a get-together. She brought the other five Danes and we had a wonderful brunch where Danish was spoken non-stop. I look forward to many more of those, now that I have found them all. Safe to say, the bilingual development of the kiddos will benefit tremendously from this community as well and I came home with a bucket full of Danish kids books to add. I'm so excited! The coming and going of old and new friends is one of the things I really love about living here. We might be a small community, but there is a lot of transition and when some people move on, others come into our lives.


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